Friday, April 15, 2016

The end of Term One already!  The students have worked very hard this term and were all quite tired this week.  They are excited about the holidays and I hope you all have a wonderful time.  The students are bringing home a holiday pack today.  It is addressed to their parents so you know what is in the pack (a variety of things) and what has to come back to school (only the books).  It has been designed to help them keep up their reading, writing and numeracy skills through play and fun activities.  I hope you all enjoy it.

Below is a clip of a group tap dancing which we looked at after a Charlie and Lola story about dancing.  The students were really interested in the movements and the beat in the song, something we explored in music this term.

I have also put in the song we use to practise counting up to 100.

Thank you all for your support and encouragement in your child's learning this term.  Have a lovely break and I look forward to seeing everyone in Term 2.

Mrs Paxie.